Tucker Carlson

3 Elderly people sitting on a park bench, wearing sweaters with peace symbols on them, giving the peace sign with their fingers. Red lettering across the image saying, Dangerous-Do Not Approach!

Tucker & Dave vs Evil: The Baby Boomers Diabolical Plot to Destroy Society

Tucker Carlson did a 2-hour 21-minute interview with Libertarian Dave Smith. He posted it on May 16, 2024.1 By May 25, the video had 1,132,743 views. The comments on the interview ranged from favorable to adulatory. While I agreed with a few of the viewpoints, I questioned more than those where I found agreement. The…

German notice in German-occupied Poland, 1939: "No entry for Poles!"
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Jon Stewart invents Tucker Carlson narrative, insults Polish people, and links urinal-caked subways to freedom in 15-minute marathon

Jon Stewart used to be one of my favorite comedians. I quit watching Comedy Central when he left The Daily Show. When he returned, I was looking forward to getting good comedy with an intellectual edge. Then I saw his commentary on Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin.1 He highlighted the segment regarding Putin’s oratory on…