"Lasting Logic endures the toughest test of all - The test of time."
Some people will look at a glass of water and tell you it’s half empty. Others will tell you it is half full. I’ll look at it and tell you it is at approximately fifty percent of its capacity. That is unless I filled it. Then I will tell you it is at fifty percent capacity with a two-milliliter margin of error. I may tell you how evaporation changes the contents of the glass and find evidence to substantiate my argument. The other possibility is that I start drinking out of the glass and tell you the “glass half empty, glass half full” discussion is overrated.
That is what you will find at Lasting Logic. We’ll start with an idea, maybe a premise, and go from there in a logical flow. This flow is a practical application of logic, common sense, and deduction. If you want an opinion, you’ll form one. I do not accept that any person can be accurate 100 percent of the time, including me. I do not accept that any person can eliminate all emotion as part of their reasoning process, including me. We will try to remain unemotional, objective observers, but if a topic warrants emotion or subjectivity, you’ll see it.
We live in an age where shouting opinions has replaced discussing facts. We will try to change that. The word fact has come under attack in our enlightened society. Many people claim to have exclusive rights to fact. Doubt anyone who makes that claim. Facts belong to all of us. How we use those facts reveals who we are. Selective uses of fact, omission of fact, and fact fabrication is what you will find in the news and entertainment media. We will try to avoid those pitfalls.
The goal of Lasting Logic is to emphasize the importance of individual, independent thought. We are not concerned with what groups of people think about a topic. We are concerned with what you think about a topic and how you arrived at your conclusions. We are not concerned with the opinions of tribal factions of society. We are concerned with your opinion and why you formed your opinion. Think, and be skeptical of people who tell you what to think.
 My posts are my opinions based on available information. I hope you find them entertaining as well as thought provoking. My opinions are not always correct. If you agree or disagree with a post, or have something to add to the conversation, use the comment section. I can handle correction, objection, and rejection of my opinions. I welcome an open dialogue. Life is a learning experience, and everyone has a unique blend of collective experiences. Those experiences make you an individual and not a stamped-out, containerized identity.
The next time you look at a glass of water, what do you see? Challenge your imagination. Stimulate your intellect. Your mind is your most valuable asset.

It's Your
Make It a logical one

What's in your brain box
Don't let others
think for you

Garbage In
Garbage Out
Analyze the logic of what they tell you

Never Mistake Arrogance for Intelligence

The Best of Fake News
When the real stuff looks fake, try some fake stuff that looks real.

More from us later
Our writer is into some heads down work at his office