
A house in simulating a rocket blasting off while scorching a pile of money below it.
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Bad Economic Policy + Bad Economic Policy = Economic Disaster

How do you make a bad problem worse? Do more of whatever created the problem. Vice President Harris’ plan to give $25,000 “down payment support,” in addition to a $10,000 tax credit, to first time home buyers1 will exacerbate inflated housing prices. The cheap and free money era of the virtual 0% Federal Funds Effective…

German notice in German-occupied Poland, 1939: "No entry for Poles!"
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Jon Stewart invents Tucker Carlson narrative, insults Polish people, and links urinal-caked subways to freedom in 15-minute marathon

Jon Stewart used to be one of my favorite comedians. I quit watching Comedy Central when he left The Daily Show. When he returned, I was looking forward to getting good comedy with an intellectual edge. Then I saw his commentary on Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin.1 He highlighted the segment regarding Putin’s oratory on…