We were once a nation of savers. Now, we are a nation of debtors. How did we get there?
How do you make a bad problem worse? Do more of whatever created the problem. Vice President Harris’ plan to give $25,000 “down payment support,” in addition to a $10,000 tax credit, to first time home buyers1...
The Federal Reserve is adrift in a political swamp. Policy based in politics always has a cost that is not immediately apparent.
Tucker Carlson did a 2-hour 21-minute interview with Libertarian Dave Smith. He posted it on May 16, 2024.1 By May 25, the video had 1,132,743 views. The comments on the interview ranged from favorable to adulatory....
A combination of Artificial Intelligence and Behavioral Science may prove to be more than society can handle.
Jon Stewart used to be one of my favorite comedians. I quit watching Comedy Central when he left The Daily Show. When he returned, I was looking forward to getting good comedy with an intellectual edge. Then I...
Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt, FUD, is political strategists' recipe to sway elections through the media. Voters are the target audience.
AI delivers more than information; It provides opinions. Societies that develop an intellect gap, risk dependence on AI to fill the void.
What is a "meritocracy?" "Going back to a meritocracy" may mean returning to a place we've never been. Merit based rewards are elusive.
Low Interest Rates seem like the panacea, but could they be the problem? The inflationary costs of cheap money and free money have been hidden for too long.
Greed and Fear often obscure the facts in the stock market. This is a look back to gain perspective on current market movements.
Federal Reserve Presidents' logic have lasting impact on the economy and our financial resources. Good Fed Presidents of the past are worth remembering.